

This website is built completely free.

The contents are generated by hexo, which is a node project for blog.

The contents are deployed on GitHub pages.

For avoiding the weird *.github.io, the free domain yuantao.eu.org was acquired from eu.org, and the DNS is from Cloudflare. I set a CNAME record to GitHub.

For improving the speed in certain areas, I use proxy from Cloudflare DNS.

For watching images conveniently, I use Cloudflare R2 for images storage, which is compatiable with S3 API. An open source tool called PicList is used as a client for uploading images to the storage.


The contents are divided into literature and technology. Litertures are named with dates, while technologies are named with contents.

What you need to take care of

We may close the site one day. Though we have not confirm the date now, you should save your favorite articles in time.